How to pack for paddle board camping  dry bags NRS strap  what to bring


Are you an adventure enthusiast planning a paddle board camping trip? Packing efficiently is crucial to ensure you have everything you need to survive in the great outdoors. In this blog post, we will explore how to pack for a paddle board camping trip to make the most of your experience on the water.

Key Points

Organizing Your Gear

Everything you need to survive during your paddle board camping trip can be efficiently packed into a 70-liter dry bag. To keep your gear organized and protected, consider using smaller dry bags within the larger one. This not only helps with organization but also provides extra protection for your essentials.

Packing Essentials

When packing for your paddle board camping trip, make sure to include essential items such as a hammock, sleeping pad, sleeping bag in a waterproof compression sack, patch kit for the board, dry socks, electronics (power bank, headlamp), food, water filter, first aid kit, tripod, bear spray, sunscreen, and a satellite device. Distribute the weight evenly in your bag to keep your board balanced while paddling.

Accessing Essentials on the Go

Consider adding a smaller dry bag, around 3 liters, to the outside of your main pack with a carabiner for easy access to items like sunscreen and your satellite device while paddling. A waterproof fanny pack can also come in handy for storing your phone securely during your adventure.

Safety First

Remember to prioritize safety during your paddle board camping trip. Wear a life jacket at all times while on the water, and ensure you have essential safety items such as a board pump and bear spray within reach. Additionally, pack items like a jet boil, sit pad, and a dog bowl to enhance your camping experience.

Related Questions

1. Why is it important to distribute weight evenly in your pack for a paddle board camping trip?
– Distributing weight evenly ensures that your board remains balanced while paddling, enhancing stability and maneuverability on the water.

2. What safety measures should you prioritize during a paddle board camping trip?
– Safety should always come first. Wear a life jacket, keep essential safety items within reach, and be prepared with items like bear spray in case of emergencies.

3. How can smaller dry bags within a larger one help with organizing gear for a paddle board camping trip?
– Using smaller dry bags within a larger one helps keep your gear organized, easily accessible, and provides an extra layer of protection for your essentials.

4. What items are essential to pack for a paddle board camping trip?
– Essential items to pack include a hammock, sleeping pad, sleeping bag, patch kit for the board, electronics, food, water filter, first aid kit, tripod, bear spray, sunscreen, and a satellite device.

5. How can a waterproof fanny pack enhance your paddle board camping experience?
– A waterproof fanny pack can securely store essentials like your phone, keeping it easily accessible and protected from water damage during your adventure on the water.

By Gordon

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