Day 101  Pawling NY  Exciting Trail Vacation Announcement  Appalachian Trail Thru Hike 2021


Good morning, world! It rained this morning, and all my stuff that was out to dry got pretty wet. I started my day by meeting Flaming Hot Cheetos for breakfast. It’s one of those mornings, isn’t it? I currently live in Delhi, about 10 miles away, and that’s the only thing motivating me to do anything today.

Life of Through Hikers After the Rain

After the rain, our stuff is everywhere, and we’re back on the trail. The beach we stayed at last night is hot and humid. I haven’t even walked a mile, and I’m already drenched. All the boardwalks are slippery, and it seems like nobody is safe today. I’m feeling hangry after that Popeye meal. But, it’s time to pack up and go hiking.

Ralph’s Peak Hiker’s Cabin

We stumbled upon Ralph’s Peak Hiker’s Cabin, where there are rumors of foam mattresses. You can even order pizza here, and there’s plenty of water. Inside, there’s a first aid kit, a Bible, and I even signed the guestbook. The place may seem a bit sketchy, but it’s all part of the adventure.

Unexpected Encounters in Nature

As we continue our journey, we find ourselves in unexpected places like New York, where nature blends seamlessly with urban life. It’s amazing to see how nature thrives both inside and outside a house. The beauty of nature never ceases to amaze me.

Planning the Next Steps

After a long day of hiking, we plan our next moves. We decide to end the day with 17 miles, get a hitch into Pauling, New York, and camp at the free site in the city. Tomorrow, we’ll pick up packages from the post office and then take a train to New York for a mini adventure. The uncertainty of the journey is part of the thrill.

Related Questions

1. How do through hikers deal with their belongings after a rainy day?
Through hikers find their belongings scattered everywhere after a rainy day. They have to pack up their wet gear and continue their journey, embracing the challenges that come their way.

2. What can one expect to find at Ralph’s Peak Hiker’s Cabin?
Ralph’s Peak Hiker’s Cabin offers amenities like foam mattresses, the option to order pizza, access to water, a first aid kit, and even a guestbook to sign. It’s a rustic yet welcoming stop for weary hikers.

3. How do unexpected encounters with nature impact the hiking experience?
Unexpected encounters with nature, such as finding lush greenery in the midst of an urban setting, add a sense of wonder and excitement to the hiking experience. It showcases the beauty and resilience of nature in diverse environments.

4. How do hikers plan their routes and accommodations during their journey?
Hikers plan their routes and accommodations by setting daily mileage goals, arranging for package pickups at post offices, and securing transportation like hitches or trains to reach their destinations. Flexibility and adaptability are key in navigating the uncertainties of the journey.

5. What challenges do hikers face while on the trail, and how do they overcome them?
Hikers face challenges like unpredictable weather, limited food options, fatigue, and the need for basic amenities like showers. They overcome these challenges through perseverance, resourcefulness, and sometimes by relying on the kindness of strangers for assistance.

By Gordon

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