Tao Philippines  PEOPLE OF PARADISE  EP 4 - Community Business


Traveling as a photographer has given me the opportunity to witness the beauty of different cultures and communities around the world. During my journeys, I came across an inspiring organization called the Alkali Foundation that is making a significant impact on the lives of Islanders through various initiatives. Let’s delve into the key points of the Foundation’s work.

Empowering Communities Through Business Partnerships

The Alkali Foundation is dedicated to empowering communities by involving them in business partnerships. This approach not only helps in building capabilities but also educates individuals, fostering a sense of pride and ownership in their work. The Foundation goes the extra mile in nurturing, monitoring, and maintaining relationships with Islanders to ensure sustainable growth.

Promoting Local Artisans and Sustainable Practices

One of the remarkable initiatives of the Foundation is supporting local artisans, particularly women, in crafting products such as beds, curtains, and more. By shifting production from external sources to local communities, they instill a sense of pride and work ethic among the workforce. This not only enhances skills but also contributes to the local economy.

Virgin Coconut Oil Production and Organic Products

The Foundation’s support for virgin coconut oil production highlights their commitment to sustainable practices. By purchasing coconut oil from communities and transforming it into organic soaps and shampoos, they create a market for natural products. The use of essential oils like lemongrass and peppermint adds to the appeal of these organic offerings.

Impact on Individuals and Families

The Foundation’s initiatives have a profound impact on individuals and families within the communities they serve. Through skill enhancement and employment opportunities, they not only support livelihoods but also contribute to the education of children. This holistic approach ensures that the benefits extend beyond just the individuals directly involved.

Transformation through Training and Education

Training programs like massage workshops not only provide skills but also empower individuals to take charge of their futures. By offering opportunities for personal and professional growth, the Foundation enables community members to uplift themselves and their families. The transformative power of education and training is evident in the positive changes seen in the lives of participants.


1. How does the Alkali Foundation empower communities through business partnerships?

Answer: The Foundation involves communities in business partnerships, building capabilities, educating individuals, and fostering pride and ownership in their work.

2. What sustainable practices does the Alkali Foundation promote through its initiatives?

Answer: The Foundation supports local artisans, particularly women, in crafting products, promotes virgin coconut oil production, and offers organic products made with essential oils.

3. How does the Foundation impact individuals and families within the communities it serves?

Answer: Through skill enhancement, employment opportunities, and support for education, the Foundation positively impacts livelihoods and contributes to the well-being of families.

4. What role does training and education play in the transformation of community members supported by the Foundation?

Answer: Training programs like massage workshops empower individuals, provide skills, and offer opportunities for personal and professional growth, leading to positive changes in their lives.

5. How does the Alkali Foundation contribute to the overall development and sustainability of the communities it works with?

Answer: By promoting local craftsmanship, sustainable practices, and education, the Foundation ensures holistic development and long-term sustainability for the communities it serves.

By Gordon

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